Sweet Orange & Lavender Soap

Now - more than ever - we all need to take time out to unwind , relax and recharge in our ever changing challenging world.... so step forward the stunning Sweet orange & lavender essential oil soap with its underlying tones of Patchouli.... which is relaxation for mind & body in a bar !

Perfect for bath time where you can allow the zesty & citrusy sweet orange oil in this relaxing soap to therapeutically soothe stressed and painful muscles & joints whilst at the same time its aroma fabulously calming the nerves , tension & stress ....couple this with another winner in the relaxation stakes ..... Lavender .... historically famed for its perfume and cleansing properties.... and the combined aroma both stimulates the senses and relaxes both mind & body.

With the underlying tones of calming & balancing earthy & exotic Patchouli it all makes for a perfect sensory and therapeutic fusion.